United HealthCare Choice Plus
Website: www.myuhc.com
Customer Service: 1-866-314-0335
PO Box 30555
Salt Lake City, UT 84130-0555
UHC ID Cards:
Finding Providers and Cost of Care:
In compliance with the Transparency in Coverage Rule, UnitedHealthcare creates and publishes the Machine-Readable Files on behalf of the EPC. Beginning July 1, 2022, UnitedHealthcare will publish the MRFs for the plans we administer and maintain. These files will be published on the website listed below and will be updated on the first day of each month.
As of July 1, 2022, to link to the Machine-Readable Files, please click on the URL provided: transparency-in-coverage.uhc.com.
These files follow the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) defined layout and are in the CMS approved format (JSON) and are not meant for a consumer-friendly search of rates, benefits, or cost sharing. Please refer to the member resources available through MyUHC.com for this information. Directions for the MyUHC.com site can be found here.
UHC Resources and Programs:
Claim Problems, Coverage Questions:
Visit myuhc.com or download the UHC App – it’s the quickest way to get detailed claim information.
Call Customer Service – Have your ID card in hand. You’ll need your unique ID number for security purposes.
If UHC is unable to resolve your problem, contact the EPC Benefits Team at 937-890-3725.