The Christ Hospital Joint & Spine Center
Website: www.thechristhospital/epc
Spine Care Nurse Navigator: 513-557-4881
Joint Care Nurse Navigator: 513-557-4882
2139 Auburn Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45219
Center of Excellence
EPC’s Center of Excellence program for Knee & Hip Replacements, Shoulder and Spine procedures offer members exceptional outcomes and an outstanding patient experience with some of the nation’s best orthopedic surgeons at The Christ Hospital Joint & Spine Center. The COE has been thoughtfully and specifically designed to offer exceptional care and value, the very best outcome, an outstanding patient experience and the member/patient pays nothing! This benefit is 100% covered by EPC’s medical plan.
Members do not receive any bills for the procedure as the program includes fees for the facility, surgeon, and other ancillary costs during the hospital stay. The procedure is 100% covered by EPC’s medical plan. Also – members traveling more than 90 miles to The Christ Hospital are eligible for one night’s stay at a partner hotel – paid for by The Christ Hospital.