EPC Membership = Savings
School districtsand boards of developmental disabilities within the EPC region enjoy the exceptional cost savings and other advantages of the EPC. There is no fee to join the EPC. Membership is free.
Personnel of EPC member schools have the opportunity to volunteer on EPC product and service committees. Representing the membership, these committees play a significant role.
These committees:
- Develop product and service specifications
- Review vendors’ bids
- Recommend bids that deliver the quality and economy members need to achieve educational and operational goals
EPC Membership Meetings
EPC members vote on the committees’ bid recommendations at five general membership meetings held each year on the second Tuesday of September, January, March and, May, as well as the first Tuesday of November. That’s more membership meetings than any other Ohio school purchasing consortium offers — to keep members up-to-date on new products, especially technology that is frequently upgraded with new specifications.
The EPC is governed by a constitution and executive board elected by the membership. Each member district has a representative.