How You Can Become an EPC Vendor
It’s easy to register as a potential EPC vendor and experience the benefits of marketing and selling to EPC’s expansive customer base of school districts.
Click here if you would like the opportunity to bid on products/services for the members of the Southwestern Ohio EPC. You will receive bid requests via e-mail only.

How We Promote EPC Vendors
When you become an EPC vendor, we keep you in front of our member schools in a variety of ways:
- Present your product quotes for approval at EPC member meetings, held seven times a year
- Offer the opportunity to make product presentations at EPC member meetings
- Send flyers on your products/services to our members at meetings and email communications
- Invite you to the annual EPC Vendor Fair where you may display and share information about your products to several hundred school personnel.
How the EPC Purchasing Process Works
For each product or service area, the EPC forms a committee of personnel and volunteers who represent member school districts. Each committee:
- Conducts product and service research
- Develops specifications to meet schools’ requirements
- Distributes specifications to as many vendors as possible
- Request bids
- Reviews and recommends bids, which are presented for vote by EPC member districts at EPC general meetings, held five times a year — more often than any other school purchasing consortium.
Visit the Programs Section for specific information about each. Specifications are automatically emailed to vendors who have previously provided quotes. If you don’t receive notification, contact us as at .